Welcome to Inside Life, the online magazine for people seeking answers to the deep questions of life. We explore social issues, personal beliefs, culture, and ethics, from a Christian perspective. Our mission is to provide our readers with thought-provoking articles that inspire them to think critically about the world around them.

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About Issue 39
Is the Bible True? The Bible is the world's best sellling book, but can it be trusted? Is it really the word of God, as it claims to be, or is it just a collection of ancient folk tales, fables and superstitions?
You Don't Suffer Alone Suffering is a part of being human, it happens to everyone, and can be very difficult to understand and to cope with at times. But we don't have to go through it alone. Help is at hand.
Nature Talks What does the natural world around us have to say about the possible existence of a creator God?
And There Was Light In 2019, for the first time in history, a photograph was taken of a black hole in space. What does it tell us?
Blood as Life Our blood is a remarkable fluid that we depend on for life. It's a self-cleansing, self-fixing plumbing-and-sewage system. But there is another blood supply that is even more amazing!
Where do you Belong? Where does a "coffee-coloured child" with no identifiable community belong? One such person provides a satisfying answer.