Inside Life is your guide to exploring life's biggest questions. Our magazine is dedicated to exploring social issues, personal beliefs, culture and ethics. Our approach is to provide insightful and thought-provoking content that will inspire you to think deeply about your own life and the world around you. Join us as we journey through the complexities of life and seek to understand meanings and purpose.
Why Read Inside Life?
At Inside Life, we believe that everyone deserves a place to explore the big questions of life. Our team of writers and editors are passionate about providing thought-provoking content that will challenge you to think deeply about your own life and the world around you. Whether you're looking to explore new ideas, affirm old ones, or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals, reading Inside Life is a great start.
We aim to provide articles of lasting hope, help and encouragement for successful living in today’s fast-moving world. Inside Life is a magazine of understanding. Rather than just reporting on life, Inside Life seeks to delve inside the marvellous mystery that is life, to discover what it is all about. What does life mean? Where did it come from? How can we make the most of it?
The publishers of "Inside Life" believe there is a spiritual dimension to life, and this spiritual area holds the key to understanding the deep issues of our existence. We seek to explore this spiritual element of life by considering the Bible, which we believe is a handbook given by God to answer the deep questions and challenges of life. But we have no intention of being “Bible bashers” with a “holier than thou” attitude! And we don‘t see any value in blindly believing the Bible without proving it.

Who Publishes Inside Life?
Inside Life is published by Grace Communion International New Zealand. It is produced two or three times per year, and in the past 15,000 copies were distributed to households in selected parts of the country. The magazine started in 2006 as a printed magazine and in 2024 we switched to a digital, online issue, rather than print. However, some back copies of our magazine may still be available in printed form. Let us know if you would like one! Our magazine is made available totally free of charge as a community service. To discover more about Grace Communion International, go to GCI - history or visit the GCI New Zealand website.